Why use BaseballStatkeeper.com?
There are a number of websites available that you can use to keep your stats.
Why should you use this one?
- First, it's free! Well, so are many of the others. (But, you don't get all the
cool features, or it's only for a limited time, or you can only have one team, etc.)
This one is free (for now), and you can have as many teams and seasons as you want.
(okay, within reason)
- Second, NO BANNER ADS! The reason all the other sites are free, is because you
are bombarded with so much advertising and other crap, that there is hardly room on
the screen for your stats.
- Third, I couldn't care less
about your email address. BaseballStatkeeper.com uses your email
address as your logon name. It's a nice, unique, identifier. If we use your email
address for anything other than maybe contacting you about THIS site, then you have
our permission to hunt us down and beat us with your double wall Demarini :)
- Lastly, this site has been specifically designed by fellow players and umpires to keep baseball stats. If there are things missing or something you'd really like to see,
just ask!
or visit our Facebook® Page.
- Lastly Lastly, this site is a personally designed, managed, and funded website. It is NOT a commercial venture, owned by some big corporation who may sell it at anytime. I
have operated BaseballStatkeeper.com's older sister (SoftballStatkeeper.com) since 1999. It's not going anywhere, and neihther is this site. I cannot
promise we won't sell it at some future date based purely on popularity and use, but right now, there are no plans to do so.